

We believe that taking full-length exams is an essential part of test preparation: the more that students practice the skills required to succeed on standardized tests, the more naturally these skills will come on test day! As such, our test prep curriculum incorporates proctored exams as a means of assessing student progress. These exams give our tutors invaluable information about how well students are comprehending, retaining, and implementing both content and strategies.

Our proctored exams are typically held on Saturdays at 9:00am and Sundays at 10:00am; please email your assigned Tutor/Counselor, or email us at exams@gecollegeprep.com to schedule your exam.

REMINDER: All packages include free proctored exams*, which are valid for the duration of the package and should be used prior to the package completion. A la carte proctored exams are available for purchase on this page and are intended only for families who are actively working through a package of hours with a tutor.

New families are encouraged to start with a Test Prep Diagnostic!  Our Test Prep Diagnostic allows students to take one of our proctored exams and then meet with a tutor for 1.5 hours to break down the results. Beyond simply going over wrong answers, the tutor will help determine the biggest factors at play in the student's score. Is the student missing key grammatical or mathematical concepts? Is he/she unaware of how to strategize on the test -- when to guess or skip a question, read or skim a text, assume or confirm an answer? Does he/she run out of time and not finish sections? Is the anxiety and stress of a 4-hour exam taking its toll? Or is the test riddled with silly mistakes (2+3=6)? The diagnostic provides insight into how much help is needed and in what areas, and therefore how best to move forward.

* If you purchase a Founder's Circle package or a Founder package, you receive UNLIMITED proctored exams. If you purchase a Classic package, you receive 3 proctored exams with every 20 hours purchased.