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Elyse D

ClassicAcademic TutorTest Prep Tutor
EducationEarned a B.A. in Psychology (pre-med) with a minor in Global Health from Northwestern University
HobbiesImprov, dance (Bollywood, salsa, jazz), cooking, writing funny songs, making silly videos for my nieces, non-dairy gelato, co-op board games, Survivor, watching League of Legends with my husband and being shocked that I actually understand what’s happening, and obviously...DA BEARS!
Test PrepSAT (Reading and Writing, Math), ACT (English, Math, Reading, Science, Writing)
Academic SubjectsPre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2American Literature, British Literature, World LiteratureBiology, AP Biology, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Chemistry, AP Chemistry, PhysicsFrench I, French II, French III, French IVPsychology, AP Psychology, World Religions, Parenting & Child Development
General StrengthsBreaking down complex scientific concepts, grammar rules, essay writing, breaking through creative blocks, design thinking, public speaking, story analysis, storytelling, making academic work fun elementary education, academic writing, organizational skills, managing test anxiety, speed reading skills, creative writing, study skills, reading comprehension, technical writing, standardized test advisement, literary analysis, students with learning differences, test-taking psychology, college-level coursework, students with ASD
Related ExperienceWorked as a “standardized patient” - helping medical students prepare for high stress clinical exams; served as a teaching artist in Chicago Public Schools - teaching math and literacy with dance; worked with gifted students as a teaching assistant at Northwestern University’s Center for Talent Development; was a peer-tutor for Biology students in undergrad; studied the role of Performance in Public Health in Uganda; received the America India Foundation’s Clinton Fellowship to do research on the effects of domestic violence on public health in South India; wrote, edited, and hosted a show for NDTV-HINDU; assisted in new play development workshops at The Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis; served as a primary French translator for three weeks en Provence; individual coaching experience; career track switches