by Kathleen Qiu When I was trying to decide which college to go to, my parents and I sat down and made a pros and cons list. Pro for UCLA: it was close to home, and my parents could visit me at any time. Pro for University of Chicago: it was a...
by Abby Tozer Can I pursue a creative career without a degree in it? As seniors prepare to decide which schools, majors, and program types are best to advance their dreams, I want to take a moment to debunk the myth that your college major...
by Julianne Lang Welcome to high school! The next four years of your life are going to be packed with assignments, exams, extracurricular activities, exciting new social opportunities and…most of all…a LOT of expectations. Many people will give...
Greek House
by Abby Tozer   It is impossible to deny the growing (and merited) stigma against Greek life that has spread over the past decade. From wild parties to hazing, many chapters have cast a dark shadow over Greek life as a whole. For incoming...
by Lindsay Johnson Applying to MBA programs is an exciting yet time-consuming process — often requiring more research and storytelling than an applicant might initially expect. While there are numerous factors that make a candidate attractive to...
by Abby Tozer The silent and damaging effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on elementary school children… Without question, the past two years have fundamentally shifted how our society functions. Not only did many lose their lives, but the COVID-...
by Chelese Belmont Each year, spring rolls around, and high school students everywhere crack open their cram books, pour over their class notes, and prepare to sit for their AP exams during two weeks in May. The culmination of a year’s worth of...
by Ali Kinkade If you’re a student trying to make your transcripts look better for college but who is wary of APs, AP History could be a good fit ⁠— and actually may be a better experience than standard history! Why? Here are several reasons:...
Moving Through the Four Stages of Competence
by Ali Kinkade Any time you learn a new skill, whether that’s ballet, Spanish, self-care, or the ACT, you move through four stages of competence: Unconscious incompetence Conscious incompetence Conscious competence Unconscious...
art school or liberal arts college
by Soliana Habte Deciding between an art school or a liberal arts program can be tough! Art schools, or conservatories, require students to spend most of their time in their artistic disciplines, while liberal arts schools offer plenty of options...
